Our Services

  • Eviction Notice

    Filing Legal Paperwork

    If you have received a Notice to Pay Rent or Quit, a Notice of Termination of Tenancy, a Notice of Unlawful Detainer Filing, or an Unlawful Detainer Summons we can prepare and file the legal documents at court that will delay an eviction for approximately 2 to 3 months and also prevent a judgment for eviction from reporting on your credit reports.

  • Man filling out papers

    Delaying Evictions

    We delay evictions by preparing and filing two formal legal pleadings with the court. The first legal pleading that we electronically file will stop a default judgment for eviction from becoming entered, and also prevent the posting of a Sheriff’s Notice to Vacate. The second legal pleading will be filed at the courthouse several weeks later.

  • Support and Consultations

    We provide continued support and consultation through the eviction process so that our clients understand their rights regarding their tenancy and the timeline of their eviction. Most importantly, we will ensure that the eviction case is ultimately dismissed so that a judgment for eviction is not entered or reported on our client’s credit reports.

How we can help

Our objective is to delay eviction proceedings for as long as possible and also protect your records. While it may be possible to delay eviction for longer than 2 to 3 months, the methods for delaying an eviction beyond 2 to 3 months will result in a judgment for eviction reporting on your credit reports. With the service that we offer we will significantly delay the eviction, but most importantly, protect your records from an eviction judgment.